10 mark question revision
- Created by: Lainey.x
- Created on: 28-10-18 18:01
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- 10 mark question revision
- question words
- who-quien
- what-qué
- when-cuando
- where-dónde
- why-por qué
- how-cómo
- weather
- stormy-tormenta
- snowy-nevando
- windy-viento
- foggy-niebla
- bad weather-mal tiempo
- raining-lloviendo
- hot-calor
- sunny-sol
- cloudy-nublado
- good weather-tiempo bien
- cold-frío
- connectives
- and-y
- also-también
- equally-igualmente
- because-porque
- but-pero
- however-sin embargo
- firstly-primero
- secondly-segundo
- finally-finalmente
- at least-al menos
- on the one hand-de un lado
- then-entonces
- before-antes
- already-ya
- family
- me llevo bien con-i get on well
- very well-muy bien
- dreadfully-fatal
- badly-mal
- boyfriend-novio
- girlfriend-novia
- divorce-divorco
- baby-bebé
- to get divorced-que se divorca
- to get married-a la hora de contraer matrimonio
- grandfather-abuelo
- stepfather-padrastro
- brother-hermano
- sister-hermana
- grandmother-abuela
- places
- the shops-las tiendas
- cafeteria-cafeteria
- my city-mi ciudad
- my town-mi pueblo
- resturant-resturante
- bar-el bar
- library-librería
- pharmacy-farmacia
- park-parque
- market-mercado
- adjectives
- small-pequeño
- big-grande
- nice-bonito
- ugly-feo
- cosy-acogedora
- feliz-happy
- tall-alto
- short-bajo
- sad-triste
- pretty-lindo
- rico-rich
- poor-pobre
- stupid-tonto
- verbs
- to be-ser
- to have-haber
- to be-estar
- to have-tener
- to do,make-hacer
- to be able-poder
- to say,tell-decir
- to go-ir
- to see-ver
- to give-dar
- to know-saber
- to want,love-querer
- to put-poner
- to believe-creer
- to carry-llevar
- to leave-dejar
- to speak-hablar
- to call-llamar
- holidays
- happy-feliz
- fun-divertido
- winter-invierno
- I love spanish holidays because they are so joyful-Me encantan las vacaciones españolas porque son muy alegres.
- my favourite spanish holiday is the day of the dead-Mi fiesta favorita en español es el día de los muertos.
- a Spanish party that I would like to see is the day of the dead because it is a happy celebration-Una fiesta española que me gustaría ver es el día de los muertos porque es una feliz celebración.
- my favourite english celebration is christmas-mi celebracion inglesa favorita es navidad
- joyful-muy alegres
- i would like to see the day of the dead because it is not at all sad and it is very different from my own culture-Me gustaría ver el día de los muertos porque no está nada triste y es muy diferente de mi propia cultura.
- question words
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