10.2. The Breakdown of the Personal Rule of Charles I, c. 1629-1640 III
- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 27-05-19 19:43
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- 10.2. The Breakdown of the Personal Rule of Charles I, c. 1629-1640 III
- 13. Religious issues and the Short parliament
- Canons of 1640 (with a Laudian focus) passed
- BUT many MPs object
- Sir Benjamin Rudyerd complains
- Laudianism had effectively pushed people out of their own church
- that now all who question Laudian changes, are labelled 'puritan' and/or seen as seditious
- Canons of 1640 (with a Laudian focus) passed
- 14. Conclusion
- Upheavals of 1640s
- the inheritance of a contested Protestant Identity
- Upheavals of 1640s
- 15. Speech of Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, 1640 - and the impact of Laudians
- 'They have brought it to pass that under the name of 'Puritans', all our religion is branded; and, under a few hard words against Jesuits, all Popery is countenanced.
- 'Whosoever squares his actions [i.e. simply defends his actions] by any rule, either divine or human, he is a Puritan. Who would be governed by the King's laws, he is a Puritan. He that will not do whatever other men would have him do, he is a Puritan.'
- 16. Areas of confusion
- Why was Laudianism associated with absolutism?
- Use of prerogative courts and avoidance of parliament, also associated with Catholic countries, with absolutist rulers
- Was Laudianism really just Catholicism under a different name?
- Laud and Charles are not Catholic and try to prevent conversions to Catholicism
- How does Arminianism fit into this picture?
- There was great deal more to Laudianism than an 'Arminian' rejection of the doctrine of pre-destination
- However, Laudianism does introduce greater emphasis on the sacraments and less emphasis on preaching
- Milton
- better to see Laudianism as part of a package of ideas and policies
- Why was Laudianism associated with absolutism?
- 13. Religious issues and the Short parliament
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