1.2 Potential impacts of hazards for individuals who require care or support, employees and employers
- Created by: abbiedye
- Created on: 14-11-19 10:09
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- 1.2 Potential impacts of hazards for individuals who require care and support, employees and employers
- Injury or harm
- may be harmed
- if environmental hazards have not been identified
- chemical hazards
- can cause injuries and harm
- not wearing protective clothing when cleaning
- can cause injuries and harm
- may be harmed
- Illness
- biological and psychological hazards can cause life-threatening and long-term illnesses
- used dressings need to be safely disposed of
- not cleaning correctly may lead to the spread of infection
- psychological hazards have a potential impact on everyone
- likely to make mistakes when carrying out working practices when tired
- individuals may receive poor or even unsafe level of care
- biological and psychological hazards can cause life-threatening and long-term illnesses
- Poor standards of care
- unsafe working conditions and working practices
- hazards not being identified
- lack of hand-washing facilities
- bad personal hygiene
- MRSA spread
- bad personal hygiene
- impact on standards of care and support
- poor communication within team or with individuals
- lack of regular supervision
- not following reporting procedures
- trip and slip hazards
- cause injuries and harm
- trip and slip hazards
- unsafe working conditions and working practices
- Financial loss
- hazards have a devastating effect on employers/ organisations
- lack of effective security
- theft of personal belongings
- lack of effective security
- when a hazard results in injury
- family bring a lawsuit against the organisation
- having to pay for costs in relation to court fees and compensation
- family bring a lawsuit against the organisation
- hazards have a devastating effect on employers/ organisations
- Injury or harm
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