17 - The radicalisation of the State
- Created by: Becca Newman
- Created on: 18-02-20 17:00
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- The Radicalisation of the State
- The Radicalisation of the State
- 3 Phases of development of the regime
- 1. 1933-34 The Legal Revolution
- When Hitler came to power he depended on political allies
- He couldn't completely prevent SA violence but he could control it
- He consolidated his power legally
- 2. 1934-37 Creating the New Germany
- Hitler worried over public opinion
- he covered up anti-Semitism before and after the Olympic Games in Berlin
- Hitler confronted powerful groups (eg. Churches, the army)
- He was also aware germany wasn't yet ready for war
- Hitler worried over public opinion
- 3. 1938-39 The Radicalisation of the State
- Economy had recovered
- Hitler took control of the army + sacked its important commanders Blomberg and Fritsch
- He also allowed radical persecution of his 'racial enemies'
- ** completely controlled the police
- Hitler took control of the army + sacked its important commanders Blomberg and Fritsch
- ** completely controlled the police
- Germany was militarily ready for war
- Hitler took control of the army + sacked its important commanders Blomberg and Fritsch
- He also allowed radical persecution of his 'racial enemies'
- Hitler took control of the army + sacked its important commanders Blomberg and Fritsch
- Economy had recovered
- 1. 1933-34 The Legal Revolution
- 3 Phases of development of the regime
- Nazi Racial ideology
- Social Darwinism and Race Theory
- Social Darwinists adapted Darwin's theories unscientifically to justify ideas about racial superiority
- Justified eugenics
- many used it to justify European imperialism - advanced Europeans had the right to rule over 'less intelligent' races
- Hitler viewed humanity as having an hierarchy of races
- The Herrenvolk (master race) were Aryans
- Aryans' destiny to rule over inferior races
- The Herrenvolk (master race) were Aryans
- Another Nazi idea was purifying races by eliminating inter-marriage etc
- Jews were to be treated as a threat to the Aryan race, conversion to Christianity could make no difference
- 'Racial hygiene' - justified sterilising the mentally and physically undesirables
- Mentally/physically disabled; roma and sinti, homosexuals,Jehovah's Witnesses
- Social Darwinists adapted Darwin's theories unscientifically to justify ideas about racial superiority
- Volksgemeinschaft
- To qualify as a member of the Volk it was essential to be German in loyalty and purity
- To protect the Volk threatening elements (Jews) had to be eliminated
- The best way to identify it was through those who weren't in it, not those who were in it
- To protect the Volk threatening elements (Jews) had to be eliminated
- To qualify as a member of the Volk it was essential to be German in loyalty and purity
- Lebensraum
- Living Space
- Opening up space for the expansion of white superior population
- Many Germans though their country was overcrowded + industrious farmers needed more land
- Nazi Lebensraum focused on rce
- It would Germanise eastern lands + bring back lost Germans
- It would provide the battleground for a war of racial annihilation
- Social Darwinism and Race Theory
- The Radicalisation of the State
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