1700-1900 crime and punishment
- Created by: Epic Al
- Created on: 28-06-22 17:06
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- 18th and 19th Century Britain
- Crimes
- Highway Robbery
- **** Turpin and Tom King
- Often seen as heroes
- Glorified in books poems and songs
- improved roads led to more people travelling
- Poaching
- became a capital crime
- smuggling
- social crime
- tax on imported goods became very high
- Witchcraft
- act repealed in 1736
- most people became educated and less supersticious
- Highway Robbery
- Law enforcement
- Bow street runners (1749)
- Tracked down criminals and stolen property
- Charged fees and collected rewards
- Paid by the government after 1785
- Shared information on crimes and suspects
- met police started in 1829
- first professional police force in London
- Bow street runners (1749)
- Views on punishment
- Transportation to Australia
- Ended in 1868
- discovered gold so was seen as more attractive
- some felt it was too expensive
- punishments should be equal to the crime commited
- corporal and capital punishments were seen as inhumane
- punishment should be about rehabilitation
- prison reformers
- prisons had poor conditions in the 18th century
- John Howards visit led to the 1774 gaols act
- Elizabeth fry
- visited Newgate prison in 1813
- set up education for female prisoners
- treated prisoners with kindness and respect
- Transportation to Australia
- Pentonville prison
- separate system
- strengths
- clean and much less disease
- many thought it provided the right level of punishment
- Weaknessess
- led to mental illness and suicide
- no rehabilitation
- strengths
- model prison
- built in 1842
- prisoners were masked to prevent communication
- prison chapel had separate cubicles for each prisoner
- 4 wings full of 1 man cells
- separate system
- Crimes