The Teheran Conference
- Created by: LivvyR
- Created on: 30-12-15 10:38
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- 1943 The Teheran Conference
- Points of disagreement: Roosevelt often sided with Stalin, not churchill
- Stalin annoyed Britain & USA delayed opening second front
- Reached some definitive agreements & some in principal without outlining details
- USA & Britain would open a second front to split German defences and take some pressure off the USSR
- USSR would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated
- Poland should be Given more land from Germany, but loose some to the USSR
- 28th November - 1st December
- Churchill, Stalin & Roosevelt
- Churchill wanted to begin invading the Balkans
- Would have helped the war effort, but he mainly wanted to stop the Soviet advance in Eastern Europe (and the spread of communism)
- Stalin opposed this and Roosevelt supported him
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