Was 1945-60 a turning point in civil rights?
- Created by: Charlotte Dodd
- Created on: 24-05-14 11:57
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- 1945-1960 Cold War
- Truman's committe on Civil Rights
- 1946- outlined the basic requirements and rights of ALL American citizens - homes, jobs, education and the vote. It recommended a permanent Civil Rights Division of the Federal Justice department, a permanent comission on civi rights, federal anti-lynching legislation, abolition of the poll tax, laws to protect all qualifies workers, a legal attack on segregated housing.
- 1948 Truman's desegregated army
- 1954 Brown V Board of education
- Linda brown lived around the cornor from a White school but was forced to go to a black one. Thurgood Marshall took the case to the supreme court and argued that all education should be intergrated. However, progress was not quick. By 1957, less than 12th of the 6300 school districts in the south had been intergrated.
- 1955-6 Montgomery Bus Boycott
- Rosa parks was told to move from her seat for a white man, but refused. Mass protsts and demands for desegregation on public transport. The boycott ended after, in november 1956. After Browder V Gale said segregation was unconstitutional.
- 1956 Browder V Gayle
- case heard before a three-judge panel of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama on Montgomery and Alabama state bus segregation laws. The district court's ruled on June 13, 1956, that bus segregation was unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment protections for equal treatment.
- 1957 Formation of the SCLC: Importance of MLK
- The montomary Bus Boycott let to the formation of the Southern Christian Leaderhsip Conference (SCLC) of which King was also president. The proest was a symbolic start to the civil rights movement.
- 1957 Eisenhower intervenes at little rock
- Top state school - 75 children applied but only 9 got in. On 3rd september 1957, a hostile corwd gathered to watch the children enter. They were turned away. Eisenhower sent federal troops to protect them. First time there had been presidential action.
- 1957-1960 Civil Rghts Act
- Renewed the Civil Rights Commissio. Allowed judges to make special appointments of those who would help back people onto the voting register. Introduced federal criminal penalties for bombing and mob action
- Formation of White Citizens Councils Southern Manifesto
- White supremesist organisations
- Southern manifesto
- Truman's committe on Civil Rights
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