1950s-60s Cultural Revolution
- Created by: louisemeller
- Created on: 16-05-17 15:09
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- Arthur Marwick, 'The Sixties'
- Post WW2
- Culture= opportunities and freedoms available to the majority of the population
- Culture= attitudes to, and rights of, social groups previously at a disadvantage
- 1950s-60s Cultural Revolution
- Context
- Key features of 50s were overshadow-ed by changes of 60s
- Cultural revolution began late 50s and ended early 70s (oil crisis?)
- Increases in spending power/cultural privileges of previously under-privileged groups e.g. w/c youths
- American dress becomes popular e.g. Levis Jeans
- Growing economic power of young people
- Consumption: music, record players, cinema tickets, cosmetics
- Richard Hoggart, 'The Uses of Literacy' 1958
- Youth mindlessly assumed that everything new was good
- Mythology of the 'teenage gang'- 'shiny barbarism'
- Milk bars= popular hangouts- most customers males aged 15-20
- Mostly American records played
- Compares this 'alien' way of life with traditional w/c culture
- Subcultures
- Context
- Book: Colin McInnes, 'Absolute Beginners'
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