1960s Liberlising reforms
- Created by: Jake 101
- Created on: 04-05-17 20:14
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- 1960s Liberal reforms
- Private member's bill
- Although Wilson was a moral conservative, moral issues were free votes
- Allowed backbenchers to propose legislation
- Jenkins as home secretary allowed time
- Capital punishment
- Anti-hanging gained support after Ruth Ellis
- Labour MP Sydney Silverman campaigned for abolition
- 1695 free vote, 200-98, 5 year trial, 1969
- Divorce 1969
- Formerly needed evidence of adultery
- Rich used private detectives
- Both agree, 2 years apart
- One party, 5 years apart
- From 2/1000 to 10/1000
- Abortion 1967
- 200,000 illegal abortions a year
- 1958-60 82 women died
- Thalidomide 1959-62
- 1966 society for protection of unborn child, lead to n demand
- Liberal MP David Steel
- Allowed under 28 weeks
- Numbers quadrupled
- Homosexuality 1967
- Labour MP Leo Abse
- Both consent, over 21, private
- Done over security fears
- Men more open to declare sexuality
- Education
- Developed comprehensive schools
- Tony Crosland
- 'Grammar school for all'
- Developed polytechnics, and allowed new universities
- 1968 30 polys, 56 unis
- Open university, equal opportunity, degree at home
- Jennie Lee, 1969 HQ, teaching 1971,
- 1980, 70,000 students
- Private member's bill
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