2. Neumann 1995 Aristocratic hunting
- Created by: Beth Dunn-Wilson
- Created on: 02-06-13 08:59
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- 2. Neumann 1995 - Aristocratic Hunting
- 20th century: The right to hunt to land holders of GB. 1, 000 people.
- 'Emparkment':the implmentation of naturalised, private parks. Many thousands of people displaced throughout the British colonies: Maasai.
- Africa: a lost Eden in need of protection.
- Conservation laws and the creation of parks
- 'Emparkment':the implmentation of naturalised, private parks. Many thousands of people displaced throughout the British colonies: Maasai.
- Neumann argued that these fears of loss came too from the social, political and economic changes underway in Britain.
- 1900s A hunting culture, and therefore way of life, was being lost
- The disappearance of idealised English countryside was as important as an idealised wild Africa in shaping their policy interventions.
- Onslow: English park owner who wrote articles based on assumptions of African similarities to British hunting.
- 'All the land adjacent to the park is well known sporting country' when actually African farmers had no claim over land at all once the colonial hunting laws were implemented.
- 'His was an imagined geography of Africa.'
- Conservation laws and the creation of parks
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