30 Mark Essay.
- Created by: eminemichaela
- Created on: 26-01-21 14:36
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the view that power in the United States is increasingly concentrated in the hands of
the President.
- Majority in both houses - meaning that legislation can be passed through easily - 2012 barack obama
- Executive Orders and agreements - do not need congress for these - HIV allowed back into the country
- They are able to exert authority in trying situations - 2021 joe Biden authority with Covid.
- Constitutional Rights - they are rights that no body is allowed to take away (Gun Control)
- impeachment - Congress can remove a president.
- Wishlist - they may not get everything that they would like done.
- Checks and Balances - these stop the president doing what he would like - Power of the Purse.
- Gridlock - Can stop all legislation that he/she would like to be passed.
- Presidents are held to account on their actions - impeachment can be a result
- Conclusion - Personality (charismatic) Circumstance - they are generally less popular in the second term
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