- Created by: MillieL
- Created on: 18-10-23 11:27
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- 3.1.2 theories of corporate strategy
- ansoff's matrix
- lays out possible strategies for growth, helps create aims & objectives, easy to understand, takes risk into account-> creates a risk aware culture
- doesnt show market development/external competitors, only a theory, prarlysis by analysis, optomistic, predictions may not be accurate.
- useful if other analysis is carried out alongside
- Untitled
- doesnt show market development/external competitors, only a theory, prarlysis by analysis, optomistic, predictions may not be accurate.
- doesnt show market development/external competitors, only a theory, prarlysis by analysis, optomistic, predictions may not be accurate.
- useful if other analysis is carried out alongside
- lays out possible strategies for growth, helps create aims & objectives, easy to understand, takes risk into account-> creates a risk aware culture
- porter's strategy matrix
- differentiation leadership
- targetting larger markets aiming to achieve competitive advantage across a whole industry
- differentiation focus
- aims to differentiate with one/ some target market segment(s)
- cost focus
- lower cost advantage in one/ some market segment(s)
- cost leadership
- become lowest cost producer in market. EoS
- differentiation leadership
- portfolio analysis
- the boston matrix
- product life cycle
- research/development
- introduction
- maturity
- decline
- maturity
- introduction
- research/development
- achieving competitive advantage through distinctive capabilities
- Jon Kay's distinctive capabilities
- relationship
- commitment to values, cooperation between staff, flexibility
- reputation
- reviews and experience with product
- innovation
- new tech, new produucts, keeping up with trends, a new way of thinking/doing
- relationship
- Jon Kay's distinctive capabilities
- effects of strategic & tactical decisions on human, physical & financial resources
- strategic-proactive
- planning for the future- forward thinking
- Untitled
- tactical-reactive
- present day thinking
- strategic-proactive
- ansoff's matrix
- existing product, existing market: market penetration
- existing product, new market: market development
- new product. existing market: product development
- new product, new market: diversification
- risky
- less risky
- least risky
- less risky
- cash cow
- problem child/question mark
- Star
- Dog
- market share
- high
- low
- market growth
- high
- low
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