3.4 pilgrimage of grace
- Created by: Emilyburkee
- Created on: 21-01-21 14:25
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- The pilgrimage of grace 1536
- the Lincolnshire rising -oct
- motives
- rebelling against evil councillors
- 1534 subsidy
- religious changes
- causes
- bad harvests in 1535
- The pressure of population growth was causing unemployment – population rose 15% in this decade
- The Subsidy was being collected – many opposed it because they felt an aggressive war with France was none of their business
- events
- arrival of bishop of lincons officer at louth
- paranoid about dissolusment
- 3000 met at louth- GOV commissar force to flee
- Oct 9th- chancellor killed and demands drawn up
- marched to Lincoln
- 10,000- inc gentry and nobility
- suffolk pursuaded them to go home
- 10,000- inc gentry and nobility
- marched to Lincoln
- arrival of bishop of lincons officer at louth
- aims
- end to taxes in peace time, subsidy and statue of uses
- louth manifesto
- end to taxes in peace time, subsidy and statue of uses
- supporters
- leader= nicholas melton
- Threat level
- High (despite the ridiculously low death-toll, see below). An estimated 50,000 rebels in total, across a broad swathe of northern England. Some demands were met. But the risings were not co-ordinated or simultaneous, and there was never any intention to overthrow the king. This was a loyal rebellion
- low- put down swifty and the gentry support was half hearted and was loyal to the king
- motives
- rising in yorkshire
- events
- oct 10th- beagn rose east
- 16th OCT- 10,000 took over york and aske issued peaceful proclamation
- OCT 19- captured port of hull and pontedfract castle
- 23-24-D of N army met with the 30,000 rebels (only had 8000)
- 27th pontefractarticles
- 24 articles
- 3 were economic
- 6 were admisistertive
- 6 were political
- 9 were religious
- issued to the king in NOV and truce called
- 24 articles
- 27th pontefractarticles
- 23-24-D of N army met with the 30,000 rebels (only had 8000)
- OCT 19- captured port of hull and pontedfract castle
- 16th OCT- 10,000 took over york and aske issued peaceful proclamation
- oct 10th- beagn rose east
- supporters
- was wide form across the noth
- lord latimer, christopher derby and laywer robert bolwes
- 6 aborts and 38 monks
- robert aske
- results
- Hviii wanted to refuse all demands but DofN told him to issue a general pardon
- rumors that the king would not keep his promises
- jan = BIGODS rising
- francisis bigod and john hallam captured beberly
- only a few 100
- put down by darce on 16th feb
- francisis bigod and john hallam captured beberly
- jan = BIGODS rising
- Henrys response
- Aske and Bigod were arrested, convicted of treason and hanged
- 50 Lincolnshire rebels and 130 northern rebels were executed, still a relatively small number considering the size of the rebel support
- The rebellion thus remained entirely northern, though there was certainly sympathy in the south
- events
- the Lincolnshire rising -oct
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