- Created by: vampette
- Created on: 11-04-14 09:50
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- 4.1 Recruitment
- A firm will recruit new workers for a variety of reasons
- A growing business
- Replacing an employee who has left
- New skills required in the business
- Increased workload at the business
- Covering positions on a temporary basis
- The benefits or full time v part time
- Full time benefits
- Less spent on recruitment; less spent on training; reduced span of control; increased security for workers; employees more committed.
- Part time benefits
- retaining valued workers; increased flexibility; wider pool of workers; reduced absenteeism; easier to respond to change.
- Full time benefits
- Recruitment methods
- Internal: appointing an existing employee
- Wider pool of workers; fresh ideas; more talent to chose from; no need to fill vacancy created through internal recruitment.
- External: appointing an employee from outside of the business
- lower recruitment costs; greater promotion prospects; employees know the business; abilities of workers already known to the business.
- Personal recommendation; advertising; interviewing.
- Internal: appointing an existing employee
- Remuneration
- Money paid or benefits given to a worker in return for their services.
- Monetary benefts
- Pension Payments
- Pay (wages)
- Bonuses
- Non-monetary benefits
- Private health care
- Company car
- Discounts for buying company products
- Sports facilities
- Social facilities e.g. company bar
- Monetary benefts
- Money paid or benefits given to a worker in return for their services.
- A firm will recruit new workers for a variety of reasons
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