5.3 Classification of biodiversity
- Created by: alllllllllllllllll
- Created on: 03-05-18 19:57
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- 5.3 Classification of biodiversity
- Essential Idea
- Species are named& classified using an internationallyagreed system
- New species are named according to binomial system
- Organisms are classified into three domains
- Eubacteria
- Cell Wall- made from peptidoglycan
- Archaea
- Cell membrane Glycerol-ether lipids unbranched side chains
- Eukaryotes
- Hiatones with DNA- present
- Eubacteria
- Recognition features of animals
- Porifera
- no clear symmetry
- attached to surface
- Cnidaria
- tentacles
- Mollusca
- shell present
- Porifera
- Essential Idea
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