5.6 Vaccination
- Created by: germaineconroy
- Created on: 06-02-18 09:53
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- 5.6 Vaccination
- Immunity = ability org to resist infect.
- Passive immunity
- Prod -intro ab into individ - outside source. No direct contact w/ path/ its nec AG to induce immunity - acquired immediately. AB ? prod by individ, broken - not replaced.
- No mem cells = NO LASTING IMMUNITY
- E.g. anti-venom - snake bites. Fetus immunity - AB pass placenta from mother
- Prod -intro ab into individ - outside source. No direct contact w/ path/ its nec AG to induce immunity - acquired immediately. AB ? prod by individ, broken - not replaced.
- Active immunity
- Prod - stim prod AB from individs own IS. Direct contact w/ pathogen/ ag nec. Im takes time develop.
- LONG LASTING. Natural active immunity (individ infected w/ disease(normal))
- Body prod own ABs cont.
- LONG LASTING. Natural active immunity (individ infected w/ disease(normal))
- Artificial active immunity - vaccination/ immunisation. Invl inducing Im response w/o symptoms disease.
- Prod - stim prod AB from individs own IS. Direct contact w/ pathogen/ ag nec. Im takes time develop.
- Features successful vaccination programme
- Precautionary measure. Not treatment
- Is it economically available?
- Does it have few side effects? Unpleasant = discouraged
- Has it means of pro, storing & transport? hygiene + refrigeration...
- Administered properly - staff trained
- Vast majority people had = herd immunity
- Herd immunity
- Arises - sufficiently ^ proportion been vac - diff path spread.
- concept = path passed individ -> individ close contact. If vast maj immune, highly improbable individ contact infected person. Ven not immune - other individ protected.
- Import bc not poss vac everyone. e.g. babies & young children ? vac bc IS not fully func. OR compromised IS.
- To achieve HI - best carried out 1 time so transmission pathogen interrupted
- Why vaccination may not eliminate disease
- Vacc fails induce immunity certain individ e.g. defective IS
- Individ develop disease immed after vac, before I levels ^ enough to prevent it - reinfect others
- pathogen mutate freq, ag change suddenly rather than gradually = vac ineffective bc new ag no longer rec by IS. As result IS ? prod ab destroy path. Antigenic variability
- So many varieties almost imposs develop vac 4 all. e.g. over 100 varieties common cold & evolving.
- certain path 'hide' body's IS, concealing selves inside cells/ out reach places like intestines (cholera)
- Inidivid object to vac for religious/ ethical/ medical reasons e.g. unfounded concerns over MMR vac causing autism
- The ethics of using vaccines
- Prod existing vac & develop uses animals.
- Vacc - side effects - sometimes long-term harm.
- On who vac tested? how trials carried out? accept risks in interest public health?
- Fully effective, majority/ prefer all should b vac - should be compulsory?
- How can any individ health risks from vac balanced against adv contr disease for ben pop @ large
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