SEE: Carbon: 6.2A
- Created by: MaggieNaylor
- Created on: 28-02-22 14:09
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- Specific exam focus: 6.2A: Biological Carbon Pump
- Phytoplankton on the ocean's surface layer
- 1. They contain chlorphyll + need sunlight to live
- 2. They also have shells, formed of calcium carbonate
- 3. They sequester carbon through photosynthesis
- 4. When they die they sink to the ocean floor, accuulating as sediment
- This process is known as the carbonate pump. It is part of the biological pump.
- Importance?
- Pumps CO2 out of the atmosphere and into the ocdean store. W/O it, the CO2 in the atmosphere would be much higher.
- Importance?
- This process is known as the carbonate pump. It is part of the biological pump.
- The pump is maintained by the thermohaline circulation.
- 1. Cold, saline water in North Atlantic sinks. 2. Draws warmer water to the ocean surface from the Tropics 3. This movement from the Tropics draws cold water from the bottom
- Why is it fragile?
- Phytoplankton require vast nutrients, that existing ocean temps/currents maintain.
- Slight temp changes can alter the thermohaline circulation.
- Pollution/turbulence reduce light penetration, slowing pump down.
- Phytoplankton on the ocean's surface layer
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