6.3 - Adapting the Marketing mix
- Created by: Daniel Graham
- Created on: 28-05-20 16:50
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- 6.3 - Adapting the marketing mix
- Changing macro & micro factors
- Macro = outside organisation's control
- PESTELE is useful for identifying impact, influence and important of factors
- Present opportunities/threats
- Micro = connected to the organisation itself
- Customers
- Competitors
- Suppliers
- Intermediaries
- Governments
- Pressure Groups
- Macro = outside organisation's control
- Economic
- Affected by national & global economic changes
- Social
- Attitudes and behaviours of population change e.g. population, lifestyle changes
- Political
- Government has direct impact on business's operations
- Technological
- Computers, connectivity, receptive to change
- Economic
- Competition
- Direct and indirect competitors
- Customer trends
- Internal factors - attitudes, motivation, personality and learning
- External factors - culture, family, friends, role models, aspirant groups
- Competition
- Changing macro & micro factors
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