8. Sexual Ethics: Evaluation of Mill's Utilitarianism
- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 25-06-17 11:26
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- 8. Sexual Ethics: Evaluation of Mill's Utilitarianism
- Individual pleasure within common good
- Higher and lower pleasures
- General rules - universalised
- Quality = context
- Higher pleasure
- Loving relationship because humans have the capacity t understand/bond unity (Xian, Church of England links)
- Wouldn't allow ****, gang ****, promiscuity, causal sex
- Positives
- Long-term relationships
- Marriage valued
- Lack of STDs
- Same sex relationships
- Emancipation of women
- Moves away from immediacy of pleasure
- Negatives
- Can you universalise rules about sex - something very personal
- Difficult to universalise
- Can you universalise rules about sex - something very personal
- Overall evaluation of Utilitarianism (Bentham and Mill)
- Relatable views of sex for modern day
- Just because something is relatable to the modern day does that necessarily mean it is good?
- Link Fletcher and Mill
- Berkley and Fletcher
- Relatable views of sex for modern day
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