Bildungsroman-Great Expectations
- Created by: emilyowxn
- Created on: 14-11-16 09:46
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- A Bildungsroman Novel
- A story of education
- Main character has to experience a form of "moral development"
- They have to grow up-focus of character's growth-the main thrust of the narrative.
- Main character has to experience a form of "moral development"
- Great Expectations
- Set in early Victorian England
- Great Social changes sweeping the nation.
- Industrial Revolution
- Late 18th and early 19th centuries
- Transformed social landscape
- Divisions between rich and poor were as wide as ever
- Manners of the upper class-very strict and conservative.
- Ladies and gentlemen were expected to have thorough classical educations
- To behave appropriately in innumerable social situations
- These conditions defined Dickens' time
- Ladies and gentlemen were expected to have thorough classical educations
- To behave appropriately in innumerable social situations
- These conditions defined Dickens' time
- Ironically, this novel about the desire for wealth and social advancement was written partially out of economic necessity.
- These conditions defined Dickens' time
- To behave appropriately in innumerable social situations
- Ironically, this novel about the desire for wealth and social advancement was written partially out of economic necessity.
- Ladies and gentlemen were expected to have thorough classical educations
- These conditions defined Dickens' time
- To behave appropriately in innumerable social situations
- Ladies and gentlemen were expected to have thorough classical educations
- Manners of the upper class-very strict and conservative.
- London formed a sharp contrast with the nation's sparsely populated rural areas
- More and more people moved from the country to the city
- In search of greater economic opportunity
- More and more people moved from the country to the city
- Set in early Victorian England
- A story of education
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