A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat
- Created by: raabiasakeena
- Created on: 29-11-15 17:18
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- A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat
- Factual information gives understanding of sport and people supporting it
- 'Kibla donkey"
- Full of sensory description to maintain interest
- "Horns tooting" onomatopoiea
- Irony and humor
- the race ends at 'hospital gates'
- Ironically in a crash 'underage driver'
- Short sentence, abrupt end to the race
- "The race was over"
- Informal tone established through diction
- 'lads' and 'wacky races'
- Contrast of pace
- Intially is slow as we wait for race to start
- 3 narrative styles form commentary on seperate races
- Writers race
- Spectators race
- Donkey race
- Direct speech enagages reader and helps them appreciate what is happening
- "Coming, Coming"
- Careful not to alienate reader but maintaining tension and pace
- "using their whips energetically, although not cruelly"
- Familiar images help the reader appreciate the chaotic nature of race
- "Formula 1 without rules"
- "A city centre rush hour gone anarchic
- Factual information gives understanding of sport and people supporting it