A spiritual revolution?
- Created by: powrieannie
- Created on: 19-06-16 16:58
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- A spiritual revolution?
- Traditional christianity is giving was to a New Age spirituality hat emphasises personal development and experience
- A "spiritual market" is growing
- The Kendal Project
- Heelas and Woodhead
- Explanations for trends
- NAM's have grown because of a 'subjective turn' in today's culture of individualism
- Traditional religions that desire obedience are being avoided
- Evangelical churches are more desirable because they promote personal development
- The winners in the "spiritual market" are those who appeal to personal experience as a source of meaning
- Explanations for trends
- Distinguishes between: congregational domain and spiritual milieu
- 7.9% of pop. attended church, 1.6% took part in spiritual activity
- Traditional churches losing support, evangelical churches remained popular
- Heelas and Woodhead
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