A spiritual revolution?

  • Created by: Calnat
  • Created on: 10-01-24 10:41
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  • A spiritual revolution?
    • trad Christianity is declining to 'holistic spirituality'/ new age spiritual beliefs that emphasise self development
    • growth in spirituality = growth in spiritual market = increase in no. of self help and spiritual books - range from crystal healing to meditation
    • Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead (2005) - studied Kendal in Cumbria to investigate decline of trad rel and growth of spirituality
      • two groups
        • the congregational domain (trad and evangelical Christianity
        • the holistic milieu of spirituality and the new age
      • in year 2000, in one week = 7.9% ppl attended church and 1.6% took part in activities of hlistic milieu
        • in congregatonal domian = trad churches were losing support BUT evangelical churches were holding their own
        • fewer involved in holistic milieu but was growing
          • three explanations for this
            • in congregatonal domian = trad churches were losing support BUT evangelical churches were holding their own
            • new age has grown bc of massive subjective turn in todays culture
              • shift away from doing your duty and towards exploring inner self and following a spiritual path
            • trad religions ae declining bc they demand duty and obedience
              • 'rel tells us what to believe and how to behave' = out of tune with new culture that says its up to us to seek our own answers
            • evangelical churche ae more successful than trad churches bc both demand discipline but evangelicals emphasise importance of spiritual healing and personal growt through being 'born again'
    • in spiritual marketplace, the winners are those who appeal to personal experience as the only genuine source of meaning and fulfilment, rtaher than recieved teachings and commandments of trad rels


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