A Streetcar Named Desire: Setting

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  • A Streetcar Named Desire: Setting
    • Elysian Fields
      • The setting of the French Quarter creates a relaxed atmosphere at the start of the play.
      • According to a Greek myth, Elysian Fields is a place reserved for dead heroes- a dwelling place of the good and virtuous.
      • We see Stanley bowl, drink, play poker, but never actually work, supporting the concept of it being a place for retired heroes.
        • Encourages us to see Stanley as noble and good, despite his actions, he was after all simply defending his home.
    • Ethnic Diversity
      • "New Orleans is a cosmopolitan city where there is a relatively warm and easy intermingling of races"
      • The diversity in the play is seen through Stanley, the poker players and the Mexican street venders.
    • The Kowalski Apartment
      • A technique employed by Williams is the dramatic effect of the play occurring in, or just outside of, the Kowalski apartment.
      • There is little space or privacy creating a very claustrophobic and exposed environment.
      • The apartment is particularly a problem for Stanley as it inhibits his sex life.
        • This adds to the claustrophobia and sexual tension, creating a very heated setting for the play.


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