A03 definitions of abnormality
- Created by: Bryony31
- Created on: 11-04-22 16:09
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- A03 Definitions of abnormality
- Statistical infrequency
- Quantitative data makes it objective and non-bias
- Helping diagnosis makes it useful
- Doesn't consider culture making it bias
- Only works for quantifiable behaviour
- Unusual characteristics can be positive (IQ)
- Deviation from social norms
- Easy to conceptualise
- Socially deviant behaviour can be positive
- Culturally bias as behaviour can differ
- Socially sensitive to judge behaviour without understanding background
- Failure to function adequality
- Definition actually looks at experience, distress of patient
- Criteria is evidence we can observe
- Difficult to measure distress as it is not standardised
- 'Failure to function' is sometimes a normal reaction, e.g. grief
- Deviation from ideal mental health
- Suggests how people can improve MH
- Socially sensitive as difficult to meet 'ideal'
- MH can be interpreted differently
- Criteria is form 1958, outdated
- Linked to Western culture: culturally relativist
- Statistical infrequency
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