A03: Gender Bias
- Created by: theninjaemu
- Created on: 28-03-18 11:28
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- A03: Gender Bias
- L: Problems of gender bias in research
- Misleading assumptions about female behaviour validate discriminatory practices
- May provide justification to deny women opportunities in the workplace or wider society
- This can negatively effect the lives and prospects of women
- L: Promotes sexism in the research process
- There is a lack of women at senior research level
- This means female concerns may not be reflected in research questions
- Psychology may support a form of institutional sexism that creates bias in theory and research
- Male researchers are also more likely to have their work published
- S: Understanding leads to reflexivity
- Researchers recognise the effects of their values on their work
- They can see bias as an important aspect of the research process
- This can lead to greater awareness of the role of personal bias in shaping future research
- S: Feminist psychologists propose how bias can be avoided
- Worell and Remer (1992) suggest women should be studied within real-life and meaningful contexts
- Women should participate in studies, rather then be objects of research
- This way of research may be less gender biased than lab-based research
- L: Problems of gender bias in research
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