A03: The Cognitive Approach
- Created by: theninjaemu
- Created on: 28-03-18 11:26
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- A03: The Cognitive Approach
- S: Use of scientific and objective methods
- Use of lab studies in order to give a controlled way of studying mental processes
- Enabled biology and psychology to come together
- The study of the mind has established a credible scientific basis
- L: Machine reductionism
- Criticism of the computer analogy of the mind being too simplistic
- E.g. emotion has been shown to influence accuracy in eyewitness accounts
- Over-simplification of human cognitive processes and ignores imprtant aspects tthat influence performance
- L: Lack of external validity
- Mental processes can only be inferred
- The approach may be too abstract or theoretical
- Research is carried out using artificial stimuli e.g. word lists in memory
- Un-representative of everyday life
- S: Application to everyday life
- Has been applied to a wide range of theoretical and practical concepts
- E.g. AI and the development of robots
- Likely to revolutionise the way we live in the future
- S: Use of scientific and objective methods
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