A03: The Nature-Nurture Debate
- Created by: theninjaemu
- Created on: 29-03-18 11:26
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- A03: The Nature-Nurture Debate
- S: Real world implications
- Nativists suggest genes determine behaviour
- This has led to controversy e.g. linking race to eugenics policies
- Recognising both nature and nurture play a role is a more reasonable way to approach the study and 'management' of human behaviour
- L: Confounding factor of unshared environemnts
- Siblings raised within the same family will not have identcal upbringing
- Individual differences mean children may experience, e.g. a parental divorce, differently
- This explains why even MZ twins reared together do not show perfect concordance rates
- S: Evidence for the gene-environemnt interaction
- 3 types of gene-environment interaction have been identified
- These are passive, evocative and active (Scarr and McCartney, 1983)
- This points to a complex and multilayered relationship between nature and nurture
- S: Relates to other debates
- A strong commitment to either nature or nurture corresponds to a belief in hard determinism
- Nativists believe in biological determinism
- Empiricists believe in environmental determinism
- This shows how nature and nurture can link to and support other debates
- S: Real world implications
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