A2 Conflict Mindmap
Mindmap with several case studies on, not complete for the whole topic yet.
- Created by: Erin_smithson
- Created on: 29-10-16 15:52
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- Expression of conflict
- Terrorism
- CASE STUDY: 9/11
- 2823 people killed including 343 firefighters, 23 police officers and a sniffer dog named Siris
- 3000 children lost a parent and 20% of Americans knew someone who was hurt or killed.
- 2 planes hijacked the twin towers (WTC), one in the Pentagon, one destined for the White House but crashed in a Pennsylvanian field.
- Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were though to be behind the attacks as they were strongly opposed to Westernised views.
- Bin Laden claimed that Muslims were opposed to the corrupt nature of America as they supported the brutal dictatorships of the Middle East.
- There are many conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11, with one suggesting George Bush was behind the attacks.
- 150,000 jobs were lost in NYC alone.
- 2.8 million tonnes of debris caused an additional 6.5ha of buildings to be damaged due to the collapse of the towers.
- Falling debris caused fires in WTC 4,5 and 6, whilst WTC 7 burnt for 7 hours before collapse at 5:30pm.
- 2823 people killed including 343 firefighters, 23 police officers and a sniffer dog named Siris
- 7th of July 2005 in London, 4 suicide bombers with rucksacks of explosives attacked public transport locations.
- 52 people were killed and 100's injured, making i t the single worst terrorist attack on British soil.
- All public transport services were terminated early and a boat service was opened to aid evacuation in each area. Kings Cross was used as an emergency hospital.
- First reports suggested a power surge.
- The government made the decision to shut down all mobile phone networks in London
- This would have prevented panicked phone calls.
- May have stopped additional bombs being detonated via a phone call.
- Aided emergency service co-ordination.
- 8:49 am: The first 3 devices were detonated at Aldgate, Edgeware Road and Russel Square.
- 23 people died at Russel Square attack on the Piccadilly Line.
- The final device was triggered at 9:47 am on a double decker bus in TavistockSquare.
- 13 people died here as the number 30 bus was torn apart.
- CASE STUDY: Paris attacks
- 130 dead and 100's injured in the attacks of the 13th of November 2015
- 3 co-ordiantedteams shot and bombed areas around the French capital.
- 21:20 - Bomb outside the Stade de France, killing the bomber and a passer by, 2 other men also detonated identical devices.
- Rue Alibert Shootings - 100 bullets fired, 15 dead, 15 severely injured.
- Cafe and Pizzeria - Five killed, 8 severely injured.
- 21:40 - 00:20 at the Bataclan Concert Hall, the venue was sold out to it's 1500 capacity.
- Assaulst Rifles were fired by 3 men wearing suicide vests, killing 89 people and severely injuring nearly 100 others.
- The unofficial use of violence and intimidation.
- CASE STUDY: 9/11
- War
- Debate
- Insurrection
- A violent uprising on authority or government.
- CASE STUDY: The Arab Spring
- A revolutionary wave of protests and demonstrations beginning the 18th of December 2010.
- The movement began in Tunisia when a fruit seller was told he was told he couldn't trade in that location as he didn't have the required licenses, which should have been provided by the government.
- In a protest against the Dictator Ben Ali, the man set himself on fire, later dying in hospital.
- This touched a nerve in Cairo, where they protested in Tahrir Square against the corruption of Security Operations and the President
- Libyan Citizens then began to protest against Colonel Gadaffi, making this one of the biggest uprisings ever.
- Egypt responded to the protests with security forces, whilst Syria and Libya responded with armed forces.
- Syrian Citizens VS President Assad, who had caused 12 years of oppression since being in power. He sent military to open fire during the Arab Spring movement, killing 60,000 people in 18 months.
- 250,000 people were dead by August 2015
- The uprising in Syria began as pro-democracy protests erupted in March 2011 in Deraa after the arrest and torture of teenagers that painted the revolutionary slogans on their schools wall.
- Stage 1 was shootings
- Stage 3 was air strikes.
- Stage 2 was mortar fire.
- Security forces then opened fire on demonstrators, causing more anger and opposition fighters to begin to take up arms.
- It became the Sunni majority VS the President's Shia Alawite Sector (12%)
- IS presence has now added a new dimension to the conflict.
- CASE STUDY: The Orange Revolution
- Began with protests in the run up to the 2004 election, it was all focused in Kiev
- Prime Minister Yanukovych was voted to be President, despite most data before the results suggesting that the real winner should have been Yuschenko.
- Immediately after the poll results, there were widespread accusations by Ukrainian and foreign monitors of massive fraud - including voter intimidation, physical assaults and the torching of ballot boxsets.
- Protesters began to appear in the streets,all wearing orange, which was the colour of Yuschenko's party.
- On the Saturday evening, after six days of nonstop peaceful protests, the state and its candidate was forced to back down.
- Protest
- CASE STUDY:Brazil World Cup and Rio Olympics.
- June 2013, £6.5 billion was set to be spent in programmes for the poor in Brazil as 18% of the population lives in poverty.
- Violent and non-violent protests occurred, with 60% of the Brazilian Police Force saying they felt undertrained for the events that occurred.
- 6 out of every 10 residents in Brazil said hosting the World Cup would have a negative impact on the country.
- Initial Rallies were against a rise in public transport fees.
- The police soon began to use force when the demonstrations widened, injuring many civilians.
- Tear gas and rubber bullets were used against the protesting civilians.
- CASE STUDY:Brazil World Cup and Rio Olympics.
- Terrorism
- Conflict: A state of oppositio,disagreement or incompatibility between two or more people/groups based on goals, desires, values and beliefs that differ.
- Conflict Resolution
- Negotiation
- Military Defeat
- Partition
- Governmental Collapse
- Policing by a neutral 3rd party (e.g. UN)
- Devolution
- Patters of Conflict
- Regional
- National
- International
- Local
- CASE STUDY: 3rd Runway at Heathrow
- New runway and more terminals proposed, the runway would be 7200ft long.
- The are around the M4 would have to be moved.
- Over 700 houses and Heathrow Primary School would have to be knocked down.
- The village that would be destroyed would be Sipson.which has 1600 residents.
- The airport currently operates at 98% capacity.
- CASE STUDY: Foveran Dunes Vs Golf Development
- Donald Trump wanted to build a £750 million Golf Resort in Foveran, Scotland
- Trump argued it would create 2000 permanant jobs and generate £40 million a year
- Work started in 2011.
- Site was a SSSI and a National Nature Reserve.
- Residents got support from WWF, RRSPB and Botanical Society, the protest became known as 'Tripping Up Trump'
- Local residents were outraged and strongly opposed the concept.
- CASE STUDY: Rainforth, UK
- Proposed build of waste incinerators a brownfield site in order to deal with the 460,000 tonnes of annual waste produced in the county
- Council Vs Wildlife Trust
- BUT landfill waste would reduce from the area.
- Would cover a lot of the rural land in the area.
- Pollution and noise were the key concerns, particularly for parentsthe SSI area.
- CASE STUDY: 3rd Runway at Heathrow
- Expression of conflict
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