a2 sociology crime and deviance
- Created by: emilyhufford
- Created on: 21-05-18 23:10
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- A2 Crime and Deviance
- Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories
- Functionalist
- Durkheim - inevitability of crime - boundary maintenance - adaptation and change
- Strain
- Merton - structural vs cultural factors - American Dream
- Deviant adaptations to strain
- Subcultural
- A.K Cohen; status frustration
- Cloward and Ohlin; three subcultures
- Functionalist
- Interactionist and labelling theory
- Social construction of crime
- Becker - crime is socially constructed to create outsiders
- Cicourel - typifications - negotiation of justice - topic versus resource
- Effects of labelling
- Primary and secondary deviance
- Deviance amplification spiral
- Braithwaite - Types of shaming
- Mental illness and suicide
- Suicide - Young - should look at the meanings behind OS to unravel true cause
- Mental illness - Lemert - the role of secondary and primary deviance in mental illness
- Social construction of crime
- Class, power and crime
- Marxism
- Criminogenic Capitalism
- Selective enforcement
- Ideological function of crime
- Explaining class differences
- Strain; ability to achieve success legitimately is blocked
- Functionalism; failure to socialise into society
- Strain; ability to achieve success legitimately is blocked
- Crimes of the powerful
- White collar and corporate crime
- The invisibility of corporate crime - partial visibility?
- Explanations - strain theory - differential association - marxism
- White collar and corporate crime
- Marxism
- Realist theories of crime
- Right Realism
- Causes of crime - biological and socialisation differences - rational choice theory
- Tackling crime - zero-tolerance - target hardening
- Left Realism
- Causes of crime - relative deprivation, subculture and marginality
- Late modernity, exclusion and crime
- Media-saturated society - emphasis on personal, leisure consumption and the ideology of meritocracy
- Late modernity, exclusion and crime
- Tackling crime - Military policing, structural causes and government policies
- Causes of crime - relative deprivation, subculture and marginality
- Right Realism
- Gender and crime
- Chivalry these
- Bias against women
- Explaining female crime
- Functionalist sex role theory and Heidensohn; patriarchal control
- Male crime
- Messerschmidt - Masculinity and crime
- Winlow; postmodernity, masculinity and crime
- Chivalry these
- Ethnicity and crime
- ethnicity + criminalisation
- Alternative Statistics
- The criminal justice system and racism
- Differences in offending
- Left-realism - Lea and Young
- Neo-marxism - Gilroy; the myth of black criminality
- Ethnicity and victimisation
- Racist incidents and racially aggravated crimes
- Responses to victimisation - Stephen Lawrence
- ethnicity + criminalisation
- Crime and the media
- Untitled
- Globalisation, green crime, human rights and state crime
- Control, punishment and victims
- Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories
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