A2 Media Theorists
- Created by: jaz73628737
- Created on: 12-02-24 04:33
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- Bandura - Media effects
- Fans are active participants - take different meanings/ appropriate texts
- George Gerbner - Cultivation theory
- Media can implant ideas in the minds of audiences directly
- Henry Jenkins - Fandom
- Fans are active participants - take different meanings/ appropriate texts
- Clay Shirky - End of audience
- Active consumers 'speak back to' the media - creating & sharing content
- Stuart Hall - Reception theory
- Communication through encoding (producers) and decoding (audiences) - dominant, preferred, oppositional
- Bandura - Media effects
- REP.
- Gauntlett - Identity
- We construct our identities using tools the media provides us
- Van Zoonen - Gender
- Gender constructed through discourse - women (objects), men (spectacle)
- Stuart Hall - Rep. (including ethnicity)
- Rep. - the production of meaning through language
- Stereotypes - reduces people to a few traits
- Rep. - the production of meaning through language
- bell hooks - Gender & ethnicity
- Race, class and sex determine oppression - feminism is a political commitment
- Gauntlett - Identity
- Steve Neale - Genre theory
- Repitition & difference - borrow from each other to develop genre
- Todorov - Narratology
- All narratives follow basic structure
- Strauss - Structuralism
- Importance of underlying structure
- Binary oppositions
- Barthes - Semiotics
- Creating meaning through signs / symbols - denotation/ connotation
- Jean Baudrillard - Postmodernism
- Impossible to distinguish between reality and simulation (hyper reality)
- Steve Neale - Genre theory
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