A2 Sociology - Paper 1 Education Summary (Topics 1-3)
- Created by: Lilly_B
- Created on: 07-06-17 12:11
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- A2 Sociology - Paper 1 Education Summary (Topics 1-3)
- Topic 1: Class External Factors
- Cultural Deprivation
- Language
- Bernstien: Elaboarated and Restricted code (context-bound vs context-free)
- Parent's Education
- Poor, inconsistent dicipline leads to bad teacher realtionships
- Bernstien + Young: middle-class investment in educational toys and activities
- Working-class subculture
- Sugarman: Fatalism, Collectivism, Present-time Orientation and Immediate Gratification
- Comensationary Education
- Operation Head Start, Education Action Zones, Sure Start, and Sesame Street
- Bourdieu: Cultural, Economic and Educational Capital
- Language
- Material Deprivation
- Housing
- Overcrowding (homework and sleep). lack of safe play space, illness from damp, and psycological stress from temporary housing
- Health and Diet
- Howard: Lower intake of vitamins and nutrients = lack of concentration and increased absences (+ more mental/ behavioural issues)
- Fear of Debt
- Local unis + London met 16% dropout rate
- Costs of Education
- Bull: 'The costs of free schooling' + children in part-time work
- Housing
- Cultural Deprivation
- Topic 2: Class Internal Factors
- Labelling
- Jorgensen: Different types of ideal student: behaviour vs ability
- Rist: Different primary school tables: Tigers vs Clowns
- Self-fufilling Prophecy
- Jacobson: Spurters study
- Streaming
- Hard to get out once in lower set + IQ drops
- Streaming and the 'A-C Economy'
- Youdell: Educational Ttiage
- Pupil Subcultures
- Pro-school vs anti-school subcultures
- Lacey: Diffferentiation and Polaisation
- Woods: Intergration, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion
- Pupils' class identities
- Sybolic Capital/Violence
- Devalusing the working-class habitus = symbolic violence
- Nike Idenities
- working-cllass habitus of self-expression = gain symbolic capital
- Archer: clashes with the dress-code and ideal pupil of the school (study of catholic boys after (11= exams - buiiled on non-uniform day)
- Habitus
- Preferecnes, lifestyle and consumption - middle-class habitus has capital to run the school
- Sybolic Capital/Violence
- Labelling
- Topic 3: Ethnic Differences in Achievement
- Cultural deprivation
- Liguistic/Intellectual Skills
- Poor grasp of english language + inadequate black language = restricted code
- Family Structures
- Murray: Black Carribean families headed by lone mothers - inadequate parenting/ dicipline and poor socialisation
- Pryce: Black faliure resulting from colonial opression
- Asian work ethic - home mirrors education system
- Liguistic/Intellectual Skills
- Labelling/Teacher Racism
- Gillborn + Youdell: 'radicalised expectations' of black pupils
- Asian pupils - talked to siplistically + names mispronounced
- Pupil Identities
- Archer: Ideal Pupil Identity, Pathologised Pupil Identity, and Demonised Pupil Identity
- Chinese students both praised and viewed negativley for not being 'naturally clever'
- Pupil Subcultures
- Fuller: Black girls didn't accept teachers labels, nor did chinese students at sixth form
- Sewell: Black boys responses - The rebels, the conformists, the retreatests, and the innovators
- Institutional Racism
- The Ethnicentric Curriculum
- Tokenism, languages and history lessons
- Gillborn: Assessment of black students - high acheivers to low achievers
- The Ethnicentric Curriculum
- Material Deprivation
- Half of Bangaladesh/Pakistani workers earn under £7 hourly (+ twice as likely to be unemployed compared to whites) Asylum seekers can't work
- Women sometimes not allowed to work due to traditions such as Purdah
- Cultural deprivation
- Topic 1: Class External Factors
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