A game of pollo with a headless goat
- Created by: a f.v
- Created on: 02-09-14 10:11
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- A Game of Polo with Headless Goat
- Who is involved
- Yaqoob
- Emma Levine
- Iqbal
- 2 donkey racers
- a mob of spectators
- When
- n/a
- What happend
- A donkey brakes down
- Emma Levine tried to get some photos of the race
- An angry protested at the race results
- 3 donkey races take place
- Yaqoob reveals that he is a under age driver with out a lisence
- The race took very long
- Cars where frantically shoving each other to be nearest to the donkeys
- The bookmakers wanted the race to be re-run
- Emma, Yaqoob and Iqbal left before the crowd got to angry
- How?
- Emma Levine tires to make her photos by sitting in the back of a moving car, with the boot open.
- Why
- Spectators: they want to watch the race and hope that the donkey they bet on, wins
- Emma, Yaqoob and iqbal: all want to see the race and take some pictures of it
- Where
- Karachi, Pakistan
- Who is involved
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