A River's Long Profile
- Created by: Revisonf
- Created on: 28-12-13 19:39
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- A River's Long Profile
- The path of a river as it flows downhill is called a COURSE.
- Closest to the source of the river.
- Very steep gradient.
- V-shaped valley that is very shallow and narrow
- It has a medium gradient.
- Gently sloping valley sides.
- Has a wider, deeper channel.
- Closest to the mouth.
- Very wide, deep channel
- A very wide, almost flat valley.
- River flow in CHANNELS in VALLEYS.
- They erode the landscape - they wear it down, transport the materials to somewhere else where it is deposited.
- A river's long profile demonstrates the gradient of the river.
- The cross profile section demonstrates what the cross section of the river looks like.
- The shape of the valley changes along the COURSE due to the impact of erosion or depostion
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