Asexual reproduction in plants
- Created by: Libby Moore
- Created on: 22-05-13 22:54
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- A sexual reproduction in plants.
- some plants eg. strawberry plants send out runners (fast growing stems) that grow out sideways, just above the ground.
- The runners take root at various points and new plants start to grow.
- The new plants are clones of the parent strawberry plant. so theres no genetic variation between them.
- The runners take root at various points and new plants start to grow.
- We can also clone plants using artificial methods.
- Gardener can take cuttings from good parent plants, and then plant them to produce genetically identical copies of the parent plant.
- These are produced quickly and cheaply.
- Gardener can take cuttings from good parent plants, and then plant them to produce genetically identical copies of the parent plant.
- some plants eg. strawberry plants send out runners (fast growing stems) that grow out sideways, just above the ground.
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