Abnormal refined mindmap
- Created by: Joanaar
- Created on: 03-08-21 10:43
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- Abnormality
- different
- unusual
- out of the crowd
- thought provoking
- creative
- strange
- nonsense
- surreal photography
- unique
- flying
- fantasy
- surreal photography
- unique
- unusual
- edible items
- oranges with noodles
- cookies with broccoli
- banana in a hot dog bun
- coffee with sausages
- oranges with noodles
- edits
- cloning
- humans with extra body parts
- merging humans with objects or animals
- refractive images
- photoshop
- create weird images
- insects with human legs or faces
- create weird images
- human behaviour
- going against societal norms
- using lipstick as blush
- men wearing skirts, women wearing shorts
- men wearing makeup
- sitting on a bike backwards
- unexpected
- driving on the wrong side of the road
- what is expected from people
- boys wearing all pink, girls wearing all blue
- men wearing skirts, women wearing shorts
- men wearing makeup
- some laws
- going against societal norms
- coping mechanism
- habits caused by mental health problems
- Depression
- some people may argue these to be abnormal however they are common
- habits caused by mental health problems
- creatures
- aliens
- mermaids
- humans imaginations
- illustrations in movies and books
- aliens
- different
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