- Created by: eliselouisex
- Created on: 27-02-15 12:18
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- Abnormality
- Statistical definition
- uses curve of normal distribution
- assumes any normal characteristics occur in 95% of population
- any abnormality occurs in 5% of the population
- if someone's behaviour falls in the bottom or top 2.5% - considered abdnormal
- for example - average IQ = 70-130 so if person's IQ is >70 they fall in the bottom 2.5% so could be considered abnormal
- human behaviour can be seen as abnormal if it falls outside the range that is considered statistically typical
- Strengths
- objective as get quantitative data so is a reliable method
- there is a definite cut off point so can get treatment when needed
- for example - IQ falls below 69 so considered abnormal therefore gets treatment
- Weaknesses
- if you have an IQ of 71, you are classes as normal but may still need help
- IQ test is not the best way of showing intellegence
- leading to cultural differences as questions get lost in translation
- some behaviours are classes as normal because many people have them when really they aren't normal. i.e. anxiety
- doesn't distinguish between none desirable and desirable behaviour
- e.g. IQ over 130 is desirable but seen as abnormal
- uses curve of normal distribution
- Social Norms defintion
- in every society there is a set of unwritten rules about the behaviour we expect and don't expect in others
- sets social normals which decide what behaviour is seen as normal or moral
- if someone behaves in a way that does not conform to our social norms we may feel anxious or threatened
- Strengths
- uses majority of population to see what's normal
- Weaknesses
- subjective as based on opinions of what society thinks as normal
- can lead to abuse of a person's rights based of what society thinks as normal
- culturally biased - what may be seen as unacceptable in one society may be seen as acceptable in another
- difficult to make it universal
- norms change overtime so what one generation thinks as abnormal may be seen as normal in the next
- in every society there is a set of unwritten rules about the behaviour we expect and don't expect in others
- Statistical definition
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