A.C. 2.1 + 3.2 - Describing and Evaluating Biological Theory (UNIT 2) (1)
- Created by: Viliamreis17
- Created on: 30-04-20 17:16
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- A.C. 2.1 - Describe Biological Theories.
- Lombroso
- Criminals were a separate species. Argued 'Born Criminals' could be determined by physical shape of the head and face.
- Those who had 'Atavistic' features, more likely to commit crime.
- Studied 383 dead criminals and 3,839 living ones. 40% had atavistic features.
- E.g. Murderers - bloodshot eyes, curly hair. Sex offenders - thick lips, protruding ears
- 'Atavistic' - relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.
- A.C. 2.2 - Evaluate Biological Theories.
- Advantages
- Lombroso was the first person to give criminology a scientific credibility. previously crime was seen as moral or religious issue.
- His work indicated the beginning of offender profiling, showed importance of examining clinical and historical records.
- extremely deterministic and assumes we cant escape our destiny due to 'born criminals'
- some of his late work started to take into consideration social and environmental factors.
- Disadvantage
- By describing criminals like 'Primitive Savages' Lombroso equates non-western societies with criminals, this is seen as racist.
- Research since, Lombroso has failed to show a link between facial features and criminality within criminals.
- Failed to compare his findings on prisoners, with a control group or non criminals, he would of been invalid.
- Advantages
- Lombroso
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