Accent and Dialect key ideas
- Created by: cmegs
- Created on: 20-02-19 09:51
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- Accent and Dialect
- Howard Giles
- Accommodation theory
- Upwards/Downwards
- Convergence
- Divergence
- Matched Guise
- Accommodation theory
- Thornborrow
- Language shapes our identity
- Prestige
- Covert prestige
- Overt prestige
- Labov
- 4th floor 1966
- Martha's Vineyard
- Regional Pronunciation (RP) ACCENT
- Heightened regional pronunciation (Archaic)
- Sound of the City
- Glasgow
- Dialect Levelling
- Kerswell
- Standard English LEXIS + GRAMMAR
- Prescriptivism vs Descriptivism
- Gary Ives
- Bradford
- London
- Trudgill 1968
- Norwich study
- The north south divide
- Milroy
- Belfast Study
- Code switching
- Language repetoire
- Julie Snell (2010)
- Possessive me in teeside
- Colleylane Primary
- Howard Giles
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