Act 1 scene 2
- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 18-05-14 18:43
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- Act 1 scene 2
- the chorus wants to punish
- anyone who wants to be a dictator because Athens is a democracy
- people who get them into trouble with their husbands
- by telling their husbands that their baby isn't theirs
- that they have a secret lover
- bad lovers
- those who promise that they'll give them gifts if they sleep with them but never do
- the old hag or young woman who steals their lover
- the bar maid who doesn't fill their glass to the top
- the Persians who are a long standing enemy after the 2nd Persian evasion
- Euripides is grouped with the Persians showing that their hatred for him is great
- this implies that the females have bad morals because not only are they disloyal but they cant take responsibility for their actions and blame others for being caught
- problems that Euripides has created for them
- he paints them as disloyal and makes their husbands fearful
- men come home from watching his plays and are suspicious
- overly jealous
- if the females are sitting plaiting a wreath then the husbands will presume that they're lusting after someone
- husband sits and watches her all the time
- if she cant produce him a baby then she has no chance of going out and getting one
- puts rich elderly men off marring young girls
- 'an old man marries a tyrant not a wife'
- husbands put bolts and seals on the doors so they cant sneak of to meet a lover
- keeping a dog to scare off lovers
- husbands lock the door to the supplies so the females don't steal them and then reseal them
- the second women would make money selling myrtle chaplets
- Euripides says they're aren't any gods so no one wants to buy them
- but yet she has to get back because she has a big order
- Mnesilochus defence of Euripides
- tells the females that they should be too mad since he's only told a few tricks and their are plenty more
- she had been marred for three days when an old lover came
- she pretended she had indigestion and went out to meet him
- she even had sex with him at the alter of Apollo
- she had been marred for three days when an old lover came
- females are sex addicts and if there's no one better then they will have the slaves and mule drivers
- chew some garlic just before your husband returns so they will doubt that anyone has slept with you while he was away
- female have smuggles boyfriends under their skirt
- they will prolong their labour till they can get hold of a son to pretend is theirs
- they only suffer from their own wrong doings
- the women are angry at how she defends Euripides and say they're going to pluck and singe her bush as a punishment
- tells the females that they should be too mad since he's only told a few tricks and their are plenty more
- Mica
- had a girl but made her maid swap her child with her because she had a boy
- she carried around a full skin of wine and pretends
- implying she's an alcoholic
- he uses a trick from one of Euripides plays, Palamedes to get his attention
- he writes a message on an oar blade
- verbal humour
- pun
- Mnesilochus says he has a daughter called 'fanny' and a son called 'willy'
- irony
- Cleisthenes is reporting the horror that a man has dresses up as a woman and entered even though he is a man dressed up
- the females are offended that he thinks a man could hide from them
- even though there are two in the building and they haven't noticed
- pun
- visual humour
- the baby is a full skin of wine and Mica is getting worked up when it is taken away from her
- they take of Mnsilochus's dress
- he hides it between his legs when they look behind he puts it to the front, this goes on for quite some time
- the chorus wants to punish
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