Act 5 Scene 4
- Created by: emily_w
- Created on: 04-06-15 10:51
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- Act 5 Scene 4
- Spoken Language Features
- Address Terms
- Lady Wishfort uses affectionate terms of address for Mrs Marwood. This highlights her ignorance to her "friend"'s scemes.
- "O my dear friend"
- "Dear Marwood"
- Marwood uses formal terms of address for Wishfort, possibly due to social standing and Marwood is not really Wishfort's friend.
- "Madam"
- Marwood and Mrs Fainall use formal TOA for each other to show tension
- "I am sorry to see you so passionate, madam"
- Lady Wishfort uses affectionate terms of address for Mrs Marwood. This highlights her ignorance to her "friend"'s scemes.
- Register
- Wishfort uses a more informal register in this scene. This may be because of distress
- Uses "you" as opposed to "thou"
- When Mrs F enters, Wishfort uses a more formal register. May be to express horror that her daughter succeeded where she failed, ie chasing Mirabell
- "Is it possible thou shouldst be my child?"
- Wishfort uses a more informal register in this scene. This may be because of distress
- Discourse markers
- Marwood uses this to change subject from Wishfort's retirement plan. This may be for comedic effect as Wishfort's plan is ridiculous
- "Let us first dispatch the affair in hand"
- Marwood uses this to change subject from Wishfort's retirement plan. This may be for comedic effect as Wishfort's plan is ridiculous
- Length of turn
- Mrs F and Mrs M both take quite short turns. Tension
- "I don't understand your ladyship."
- Mrs F and Mrs M both take quite short turns. Tension
- Oaths and Swearing
- Mrs Fainall uses an oath to express honesty, also works as an intensifier
- "false as hell"
- Mrs Fainall uses an oath to express honesty, also works as an intensifier
- Address Terms
- Rhetorical Devices
- Repetition
- Lady Wishfort uses repetition to emphasise her gratitude towards Marwood. This emphasis creates dramatic irony
- "To you I owe the timely discovery of the false vows of Mirabell; to you I owe the detector of the impostor Sir Rowland
- Lady Wishfort uses repetition to emphasise her gratitude towards Marwood. This emphasis creates dramatic irony
- Rhetorical Questions
- Wishfort uses these to express her confusion and shock
- "...and yet transgress the most minute particle of severe virtue?"
- Wishfort uses these to express her confusion and shock
- Repetition
- Linguistic/ Grammatical Devices
- Lexical Fields
- Lady Wishfort talks about Mirabell using the lexical field of deception, which is ironic as she does it to praise Marwood
- "discovery", "false vows," "detection", "impostor"
- Lady Wishfort talks about Mirabell using the lexical field of deception, which is ironic as she does it to praise Marwood
- Lexical Fields
- Form/ Genre
- Comedy of Manners
- Lady Wishfort fits into the stock character of the scorned woman because her use of hyperbole shows her rage
- "I have not only been a mould but a pattern for you, and a model for you, after you were brought into the world."
- Lady Wishfort fits into the stock character of the scorned woman because her use of hyperbole shows her rage
- Mockery of Materialism
- Lady Wishfort is upset that she will have to sell things, and she is a character the audience is meant to laugh at. Posessive pronouns
- "I must pawn my plate and my jewels"
- Lady Wishfort is upset that she will have to sell things, and she is a character the audience is meant to laugh at. Posessive pronouns
- Comedy of Manners
- Spoken Language Features
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