Advantages of a Multi-Disciplinary Team
- Created by: orlamaisie
- Created on: 04-04-22 10:02
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- Advantages of a Multi-Disciplinary Team
- Gives a patient access to an entire team of experts
- When a MDT is formed, it allows a patient to receive collaborative supports from a wide range of experts. Each person contributes from their own perspective, which can then enhance the treatments which are offered by others. This process works to ensure that every patient is given access to the best possible treatment options that are currently available
- Improves service co-ordination
- Although there are greater time commitments involved for members of an MDT, there are greater efficiencies offered to the patient. Due to the services being co-cordinated together, there a framework of uniformity provided to each person that improves treatment delivery. Even if some members of the MDT are half-way around the world from the patient, the communication that happens in this structure makes service co-ordination easier
- Expedites the referral process
- MDT's are often composed in their specific field of practice. That means a patient who must receive a referral for a specific treatment will already have access to the people who need to make that happen. The MDT can work together to get processes approved, delays minimised, and treatments started to give that person the best possible chance to restore or maintain thier health status
- Creates new avenues for service implementation
- Provides the patient with access to resources from multiple departments and organisations. What may be impossible for one organisation or provider to offer could be accomplished when small resources from multiple sources are combined together. A MDT will often be granted the authority to pull these resources to provide immediate care whenever it may be necessary
- Allows patients to create goals for themselves
- A MDT offers patients a chance to set specific goals for themselves. This allows the team to engage with the goals, holding themselves and the patient accountable to the desired outcome. Also gives the MDT a chance to encourage family participation with the goals, improving care co-ordination and reducing inpatient stays in some situations. Although there may be personality conflicts to manage, most patients see more progress with a MDT than without one
- Gives a patient access to an entire team of experts
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