Biological explanations of Anorexia Nervosa
- Created by: Elysia Northall
- Created on: 19-04-15 16:42
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- Biological aetiologies of Anorexia
- Genetic explanation
- 1st and 2nd degree relatives more likely to have anorexia
- Issues with family studies in Genetics
- 55% for MZ twins and 7% for DZ twins
- Issues with twin studies in Genetics
- 1st and 2nd degree relatives more likely to have anorexia
- Neuro-chemical
- High levels of serotonin in Anorexics when compared to healthy controls
- Highest levels found in those with most severe anxiety
- SSRIs effective in preventing relapse
- PET scans of 10 recovering anorexics and 10 healthy controls
- OVER-activity of DOPAMINE in basal ganglia
- Dopamine plays a role in interpreting pleasure
- OVER-activity of DOPAMINE in basal ganglia
- High levels of serotonin in Anorexics when compared to healthy controls
- Neuro-anatomical
- Ventromedial =SATIETY CENTRE (full)
- Work together to create a set point (specific body weight)
- Lab experiments show damage to areas causes change in set point
- Which is reflected by eating behaviour
- Lab experiments show damage to areas causes change in set point
- Work together to create a set point (specific body weight)
- Lateral = EATING BEHAVIOUR (hungry)
- Work together to create a set point (specific body weight)
- Lab experiments show damage to areas causes change in set point
- Which is reflected by eating behaviour
- Lab experiments show damage to areas causes change in set point
- Work together to create a set point (specific body weight)
- Noradrenalin may disturb hypothalamu-s operation to cause Anrorexia
- Drugs increasing noradrenalin levels have proven helpful in treatment
- Low levels of noradrenalin in V.H of rats lead to anorexic behvaiours
- Low rate of eating, increased rate of activity, reduced carbohydrate intake
- Rats do not have same though processes as humans, do not make informed decisions, eat for survival and cannot talk about their choices
- Rats did not exhibit behaviour to suggest HUNGER, rather they became INDIFFEREN-T to food
- Anorexics are not indifferent to food
- Usually a big part of their lives
- Anorexics are not indifferent to food
- Found that chemical abnormalities in the H disappear after weight gain
- Abnormalities are a symptom of malnutrition not a cause
- Low levels of noradrenalin in V.H of rats lead to anorexic behvaiours
- Drugs increasing noradrenalin levels have proven helpful in treatment
- Ventromedial =SATIETY CENTRE (full)
- Overall evaluation of biological aetiologies
- Reductionist
- Deterministic: view that an individual's behaviour is controlled by internal forces rather than will
- Overall conclusion of biological aetiologies
- Make a contribution to the understanding of eating disorders
- But other factors are involved
- Several questions left unanswered
- Evidencee of personality characteristics causing a predisposition
- Reasons for vulnerable age and gender group
- Why are eating disorders increasing?
- Make a contribution to the understanding of eating disorders
- Genetic explanation
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