Afghanistan Conflict: Economic Impacts
- Created by: Sidra
- Created on: 24-02-14 19:53
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- Afghanistan Conflict: Economic Impacts
- Fear over terrorist attacks as a result of the conflict
- Increased spending on security
- UK and US spend billions of dollars on improving security on air travel and large political and public events
- Increased spending on security
- Prevented the economic growth of Afghanistan
- Currently one of the poorest nations in the world
- Heavily reliant on international aid
- Currently one of the poorest nations in the world
- Rebuilding the infrastructure of Afghanistan will have a high economic cost
- Roads, water and communication infrastructure
- All require major investment, which requires development and security
- Kofi Annan: "No development without security, no security without development" - cyclical nature of conflict
- All require major investment, which requires development and security
- Health and education services (particularly for females)
- All require major investment, which requires development and security
- Kofi Annan: "No development without security, no security without development" - cyclical nature of conflict
- All require major investment, which requires development and security
- Manufacturing and agricultural industries
- Roads, water and communication infrastructure
- Many countries are paying for the war
- US had spent an estimated $740 billion by the end of 2010
- UK spent £11.1 billion on the war up to March 2010
- Fear over terrorist attacks as a result of the conflict
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