Age and Belifs
- Created by: HLOldham
- Created on: 28-03-16 16:20
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- Age and Belifs
- Islam and Age
- Muslims had the youngest age profile of the main religious groups in the 2011 census
- 48% (1.3 million) aged 25 and under
- 9/10 people - 88% (2.4 million) were aged under 50
- Youngest age profile in 2001
- Muslims had the youngest age profile of the main religious groups in the 2011 census
- Reasons for Age Difference in Participation
- Voass and Crockett (2005)
- Two explanations for age differences in religion
- 1. The Ageing Effect: the view that people turn to religion as they get older - as we approach death we naturally become more concentrated about spiritual matters
- 2. The Generational Effect: the view that as society becomes more secular, each new generation is less religious than the one before
- They argue that the second point is more significant
- Two explanations for age differences in religion
- Voass and Crockett (2005)
- The Future?:
- Bruce
- Predicts that the age and religion trend will continue and it wont be long before the over 65s are the majority
- Exceptions - Pentecostal Churches and Islam
- Predicts that the age and religion trend will continue and it wont be long before the over 65s are the majority
- Gill
- Children are no longer receiving religious socialization so it is likely that within a few generations Christian beliefs could be a minorty
- Bruce
- Age Groups of Cults and Sects
- Heelas (2005)
- Believe that New Age beliefs in the holistic milieu are growing rapidly despite few young people being involved with it
- Holistic Milieu - a range of activities which involve mind, body and spirit
- Believe that New Age beliefs in the holistic milieu are growing rapidly despite few young people being involved with it
- Heelas (2005)
- Age Groups of Denominations and Churches
- Age groups of denominations are similar to churches due to the closely related structure of the two
- Parents bring their children and teach them the beliefs
- Meaning they continue into the next generation
- Therefore the age groups within can vary
- Meaning they continue into the next generation
- Islam and Age
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