Aggression Explanations
- Created by: Emily Burroughs
- Created on: 07-06-13 15:57
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- Aggression
- Operant Conditioning
- Similar to observer
- admired by observer
- observer: low self-esteem
- likelihood of reward
- previous experiences
- Bandura
- Bobo doll 66 children
- rewarded condition: most aggressive
- sweets: all aggressive
- Patterson
- problem child
- co-ersive home environment, little affection
- lots of research methods
- Mead
- Papua New Guinea
- one very aggressive the other not
- Operant Conditioning
- Deindividuation
- Zimbardo
- Milgram type study
- group 1 - concealed identity more shocks
- only females - less aggressive gender
- Mullen
- bigger crows more aggressive
- Malmuth and Check
- 1/3 would consider **** if they wouldn't get caught
- Zimbardo
- Relative Deprivation
- 1992 LA riots
- Rodney King
- genuine deprivation
- Fraternalistic
- part of a group, comparing to another
- more likely to lead to aggression
- Individualistic
- comparing to another individual
- leads to internalisation
- 1992 LA riots
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