Agression- biology

  • Created by: Livi
  • Created on: 10-01-13 12:43
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  • Aggression- Biology
    • Serotonin and Dopamine- Low levels of serotonin and high levels of dopamine
      • Serotonin- thought to inhibit aggressive responses to emotional stimuli, low levels associated with increased susceptibility to impulsive behaviour, aggression and violent suicide
        • Mann et al (1990)- drugs which reduced serotonin increased measures of hostility and aggression in males
          • Gender biased- Females???
      • Dopamine- Link less well established than serotonin.
        • Lavine (1997) giving amphetamines (including dopamine) increases aggressive behaviour.
        • Buitelaar (2003)- giving anti- psychotics (which reduce dopamine) reduced aggressive behaviour n violent delinquents
    • Testosterone and Cortisol- high levels of testosterone and low levels of cortisol
      • Testosterone- control aggression from adulthood onwards, thought to be primary biochemical influence on aggression
      • Dabbs et al (1987)- pooled data from 2 groups of prisoners and measured testosterone levels in saliva of 962 prisoners. found inmates who committed crimes of sex and violence had higher testosterone levels compared to those committed of crimes of drug abuse.
      • ANIMAL STUDY- Wagner et al (1979)- found that castrated male mice showed decrease aggression which then increased when given testosterone again.
      • Cortisol- mediates other hormones such as testosterone, high levels inhibit testosterone which leads to aggression,low levels of cortisol associated with increased aggression.
      • Virkunen (1985) found low levels of cortisol in habitual violent offenders.
        • Tennes and Kreye (1985) same in violent school teachers


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