Akers - upbringing - learning from others
- Created by: Danna.Wright
- Created on: 02-06-15 19:36
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- Akers (Learning from others)
- sutherlands theory - (differential association) the ratio of favourable to non-favourable attitudes to crime and who they associate themselves with
- to test social learning theory of deviant behaviour on adolescent drinking and drug behaviour
- snapshot of 2500 male and female teenagers aged 13-18 in 3 mid-western states in USA
- questionnaire asking about their alcohol and marijuana usage
- role models, attitudes towards usage, attitudes of significant others in their lives, friends usage, reinforcements and punishments for usage
- sub-sample then created for a follow up interview to check reliability
- strong support for the social learning theory, however imitation alone was the least predictive variable
- SLT explained 55% of variance in drinking and 68% in marijuana
- most effective predictive variable was differential peer association
- friends play an important part in our behaviour because they provide our social norms and social reinforcements
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