Alex III and his policies
- Created by: lottie.auf
- Created on: 13-05-23 11:42
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- Alex III and his policies
- Return to autocracy
- arrested 150 members of People's Will and publicly hung those responsible for Alex II death
- encouraged to abandon his father's reforms and reassert autocracy
- powers of police increased
- spies used often
- Land Captains reintroduced in 1889
- peasant vote to zemstva reduced in 1890
- had power to override zemstva
- Russification
- Russian language enforced
- adopted Povedonostev's creed of 'autocracy, orthodoxy and nationality'
- Military suppression used to those who opposed Russification
- adherence to Eastern Orthodox was encouraged
- anti-semitism
- 1881-1884 many anti-jewish riots (authorities did little)
- many jews were ***** and murdered
- laws to restrict rights and movements of Jews passed
- Return to autocracy
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