Alexander iii
- Created by: Phoebe Smith
- Created on: 18-12-12 13:12
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- Alexander ii
- 1855-1881
- tried to modernise Russia
- Tsar Liberator
- Emancipation of the Serfs - 1861 - 25 million, 80% of the population were Serfs. However, they had to buy their freedom (49 years of paying taxes)
- Political and Judicial reform. 1864- introduced 1st form of elective and representative government in Russia but limited it to the educated and wealthy. A network of elective councils- Zemstvos
- Trial-by-Jury. voice to the people, not biased, fairer and freer trials.
- Relaxation of the controls of the press and of universities
- created reforms to suppress opposition of the tsarist government
- greeted with with enthusiasm by progressives and support of Intelligentsia (educated, literate and more enlightened Russians)
- fearful that he had gone too far, he didn't want to compromise his power as an autocrat. Abandoned his reformist policies and returned to the tsarist tradition of oppression.
- Assassinated by a group of Social Revolutionaries. People's Will. 1st March 1881. in St Petersburg. Led to Alexander iii building the 'Church of Spilt Blood' in his honour.